
Hi! I'm a dungeons and dragons enthusiast and aspiring artist. By day I work my normal day job, but by night I like to draw all the things that my mind comes up with. Mostly those ideas are about dnd, but sometimes I get other ideas as well.
Wake the f*ck up Samurai, we have a city to burn
Cyberpunk Keanu
6.1 x 7.6 cm
When you run into the big boss in Dungeons and Dragons don't falter, keep calm and roll initiative. Be your spiritual leader in your next dnd session!
All the adventures you experienced with your d20, all in one d20
Mosaic D29
7.6 x 7.0 cm
From the shadows comes a critical Surprise! Go Stealth with this d20 Dungeons and Dragons Mage Design! Check out my other dnd designs for other classes like Barbarian, Mage and Fighter
Shadow Assassin
5.6 x 7.6 cm
Ah yesss! Go into rage and make sure keep hitting them! Go brutal with this d20 Dungeons and Dragons Barbarian Design! Check out my other dnd designs for other classes like Mage, Fighter and Rogue.
Brutal Barbarian
5.1 x 7.6 cm
Slicing and Dicing monsters, one roll at a time!
Slicing and Dicing
6.0 x 7.6 cm
A modern watercolour take on the adventures as a Dungeons & Dragons player.
Watercolour D20
6.8 x 9.0 cm
Like the sun, a D20 is the key to all life. Enjoy this rippling dnd d20 design and show of your style at your next dnd session!
D20 Sunset
4.0 x 6.6 cm
A Minimal interpretation of our adventures as a dnd player
Minimal DND
5.4 x 8.0 cm
I got inspired by a session where a party member would roll natural one after natural one, to the point he got hit all over and went unconsicious. When he rolled his last natural one, he literally said: well okay than, guess I'll die
Guess I'll Die
6.0 x 6.0 cm