How to create white layers?

White layers are essential when using special effect materials or if you want to play with opacity. Here's everything you need to know to set up your white layers correctly.

What Is a White Layer?

A white layer is a layer of white ink printed under your design to block off the material effect. This is typically needed for:

  • Effects on colored areas

  • Using opacity in your design

If you want the pure material effect, simply leave those areas transparent—no white layer is needed. If you're unsure about setting up the file, leave us a comment! Our team will ensure everything is correct.

Setting Up a White Layer

There are several ways to mark the areas where you want the white layer to be applied:

  1. Create a New Layer
    Add a new layer in your design software and name it “HPI-White”.
    The color should be CMYK 25,25,25,25.

  2. In Adobe Illustrator

    • Use objects, not paths, for the white layer.

    • Apply the spot color “HPI-White” in CMYK 25,25,25,25.

    • Place the white layer on top of the design in the file setup.

    • Set it to Overprint Fill to ensure proper layering.

  3. Save Your File

    Export the design as a PDF or AI file to retain layer structure and spot color designation.

White layers can have opacity to let some material effects shine through. For standard opacities, refer to the color charts included in our sample set. However, results vary between materials, so if you're unsure, contact us for guidance.